吴迪 Dr. Di Wu

About me

I am a machine learning researcher at Covariant.AI with the new capability team. Before joining Covariant, I was at FITURE and PingAn. Prior to that, I was a postdoc researcher at Shenzhen University and the Idiap Research Institue (affiliated to EPFL) in a beautiful Swiss Alpine mountain town. I received my PhD degree from the University of Sheffield in 2014 and Bachelor degree from Zhejiang University in 2010.

My research interests include using machine learning techniques, such as probabilistic graphical models and deep learning for high-level computer vision tasks, such as human action recognition and robotics. I hope to use machine learning to solve real world problems.

To the right is the Toonify version of me :)


My research interests include using machine learning techniques, such as probabilistic graphical models and deep learning for high-level computer vision tasks, such as human action recognition, gesture recognition, multimedia retrieval and object recogition.

Currently, I have great passion in visual perception for 2D to 3D vision (a.k.a. the inverse graphics problem). >See more